
Agile principle #7: Working software is the primary measure of progress.

I believe the main distinction between waterfall and agile development lies in Agile principle #7: Working software is the primary measure of progress. Unfortunately, this principle is often misunderstood or overlooked by many teams and coaches.

Drawing from practical needs and examples from my team’s solutions, I initially created this workshop as a retrospective game for my team to address real-life situations and glean insights from them. Subsequently, I leveraged the same experience to share these discoveries with other teams and coaches, with positive outcomes.

This workshop aims to shift the perspective of product development from “technical” planning to a model where each subsequent step yields tangible discoveries and actual value. Thus, after every step, we witness genuine progress rather than merely potential progress. And we learn to plan accordingly.

Have you noticed that you only deliver value with the final ticket of the epic? This workshop is tailored for you.

Have you ever heard about “Deadline horse”? It’s a visual description of incorrect planning and running “the project” (which can be your sprint as well), when you start drawing the horse from the croup in details, but in the end discover, that you’re getting late and the head is finished in very hurry-mode. That is also one of the patterns of doing “good things”, but not planning to deliver anything before the very end, when we give over the whole outcome of our massive job.