

IT delivery professional with 8 years of experience, acting so far mostly as Scrum Master and Agile Coach, but having also product owner, project manager and people manager experience. Passionate about helping organizations to find the way of delivering the best product. Focused on delivering the value, keeping theory in balance with practical implementation and always eager for improvement.
Led cultural switch in a big company. Helped multiple teams (dev, ops, devops) to find their Agile way of working, drove creation of communication model in IT, built up close collaboration between development, operations and business units.

IT Career

2019-2023 Eesti Energia AS
Scrum Master/Agile coach
Period highlights: #SM, #AgileCoach, #OPSteams, #DevOpsTeams, #PeopleManagament

2016-2019 IT And Development Center Of Ministry Of Interior
Scrum Master 
Period highlights: #SM #PO #ProjectManagament

2013-2016 Central Criminal Police
Senior Cybercrimes Investigator
Period highlights: #InternationalCooperation #CyberSecurity


2024 Certified SAFe Professional
Scaled Agile Inc
2024 Certified SAFe Agilist
Scaled Agile Inc
2024 Project Management Professional
Google Career Certificates
2024 Agile Project Management
Google Career Certificates
2023 Introduction to Flight Levels
Flight Levels Academy
2022 Kanban Management Professional
Kanban University
2022 Kanban System Improvement
Kanban University
2019 LEAN IT Foundation
IT koolitus
2019 Kanban System Design
Kanban University
2018 Certified Agile Leadership
Scrum Aliance
2016 Certified Scrum Master
Scrum Aliance

Products & Projects

Top business-project and products I’ve run or directly supported as coach:
– Sirene, MIS, SchengenIS EU solutions and related projects in Estonian Ministry of Interior Affairs
– Migration of critical system with numerous external dependencies, a large database, and minimal downtime (Ministry of Interior)
– Electricity “Universal service” delivered by multiple teams
– Global switch to 15 min imbalance price in energy trading
– B2B energy products sales solution
– Multiple IT-systems related to Energy production, trading and customers

Practical hands-on experience

~10 crossfunctional development teams in different domains and team of teams:
– building teams from 0,
– switching the mindset,
– enhancing ways of working,
– creating predictability,
– synergy with PO & stakeholders,
– Product Portfolio collabaration,
– leading product with no PO

My practical toolbox includes:
– Scrum (certified)
– [Upstream] Kanban (certified)
– Lean IT (certified)
– XP
– S@S and Nexus (collabaration)
– Basecamp ShapeUp
– Disciplined Agile Delivery

~5 Ops and DevOps teams such as Platform, Network, Technical support, Shared admin teams:
– sharing Silos to help and cooperate like real team,
– creating predictability,
– expliciting collabaration policies,
– creating self-development time,
– achieving self-management,
– sustainably handling the backlog

Extended practical toolbox with:
– ITIL4 basics
– Theory of constraints

3 non-IT teams (HR, Financial risks, document management) & multiple domains stakeholders:
– enhancing ways of working,
– creating team cooperation,
– discovering bottlenecks,
– creating a focus,
– finding meaningful IT metrics,
– involving to IT development,
– creating daily cooperation